Datos generales

Tipo de ActividadCurso/Seminario/Workshop
Area(s) de interésVIDA Biología, Ecología, y Medioambiente
SALU Salud
DenominaciónWorkshop “Steps towards personalized therapy: functional genomics, genetic screenings and animal models”
Fecha Inicio07/11/2016Fecha Finalización09/11/2016

Lugar de celebraciónBaeza - Jaén - España

This workshop belongs to the series "Current Trends in Biomedicine", organized by the Universidad Internacional de Andalucía" at the Campus Antonio Machado (Baeza, Spain).

More information and application at http://www.unia.es/biomedicine

The scientific knowledge accumulated in the past ten years, together with novel resources and technology are reshaping the world of diagnosis and treatment: they bring genomics to the bedside and use the individual genomes as an important source of information to design more efficient therapies. Personalized therapy is at the crossroad of numerous disciplines. First, it requires a full understanding of our genome as for gene function, activity and regulation. Second, genes need to be linked to phenotypes and their interrelationships established. Animal models are mandatory as a way towards a deep understanding of the disease’s biology, to evaluate diseases progression, test hypothesis and evaluate drugs. Finally, we need to expand our drug repertoire to be in a position to easily target any gene and pathway associated with diseases’ development. Successful and widespread personalized therapy will require the dialogue among investigators, physicians and health professionals involved...