Datos generales

Tipo de ActividadCurso/Seminario/Workshop
Area(s) de interésTECN Ingeniería e Informática
DenominaciónFirst workshop on nanostructured materials for light harvesting technologies: From solar fuels to energy storage
Fecha Inicio25/11/2015Fecha Finalización26/11/2015

Lugar de celebraciónGetafe - Madrid - España

Secretaría Técnica
OrganizaciónInstituto IMDEA Materiales
DomicilioC/ Eric Kandel 2, TecnoGetafe
28906 Getafe - Madrid - España
Teléfono+34 915493422Fax+34 91 5503047
Persona(s) de contactoJuan José Vilatela

Secretaría Técnica
OrganizaciónInstituto IMDEA Materiales
DomicilioC/ Eric Kandel 2, TecnoGetafe
28906 Getafe - Madrid - España
Teléfono+34 915493422Fax+34 91 5503047
Persona(s) de contactoMariana Huerta

Thanks to the generous support of the EC (CARINHYPH project) and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (FOTOFUEL network) this event is FREE to the public.

REGISTRATION by e-mail is mandatory. Please send your name and affiliation to Ms. Mariana Huerta (mariana.huerta@imdea.org (+34 915493422)). You can contact her for more information about the meeting.

This 2-day workshop brings together three networks of European research Institutions to mark the International Year of Light and Light-Based Technologies. Its purpose is to share results, views and challenges in the field of nanostructured materials for energy, with a particular interest in materials and light harvesting technologies and related energy and environmental applications: Solar fuels from artificial photosynthesis (photo- and photo-electrochemical water splitting and CO2 photoreduction), novel PV architectures and energy storage devices. The meeting is materials-science oriented, and includes topics such as the synthesis of novel heterostructures for efficient charge separation, the role of electronic junctions in charge transfer, computational tools to study photocatalytic reactions, reactor design and operation, non-conventional catalyst scaffolds, transient spectroscopy measurements, interfacial engineering and (photo)electrochemical characterisation.