Datos generales

Tipo de ActividadCurso/Seminario/Workshop
Area(s) de interésVIDA Biología, Ecología, y Medioambiente
SALU Salud
DenominaciónWorkshop “The nuclear lamina in health and disease”
Fecha Inicio16/11/2015Fecha Finalización18/11/2015

Lugar de celebraciónBaeza - Jaén - España

Este workshop pertenece a la serie "Current Trends in Biomedicine", organizada por la Universidad Internacional de Andalucía (UNIA).

Más información y solicitud en http://www.unia.es/biomedicine

Vicente Andrés (Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III (CNIC). Madrid, España)
Peter Askjaer (Andalusian Center for Developmental Biology (CABD), CSIC/Junta de Andalucía/Universidad Pablo de Olavide. Sevilla, España)
Tom Misteli (National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health (NIH). Bethesda, EEUU)

The human cell nucleus is a highly organized and compartmentalized structure. The nuclear lamina is one of the major structural elements and organizers of the cell nucleus. Besides its well established architectural role, groundbreaking work over the last few years has demonstrated that the lamina and the associated nuclear envelope proteins regulate multiple cellular functions, including higher-order chromatin organization, DNA replication and repair, gene transcription, and signal transduction. Interest in the nuclear lamina has taken on added relevance in recent years with the discovery that mutations in the lamin proteins which make up the lamina, or genetic defects leading to changes in lamin abundance or post-translational processing, cause a variety of rare genetic disorders termed laminopathies. This workshop will bring together leaders in nuclear lamina research with the aim of discussing cutting-edge research in the field which is providing a fertile ground for discoveries..