Datos generales

Tipo de ActividadCurso/Seminario/Workshop
Area(s) de interésVIDA Biología, Ecología, y Medioambiente
SALU Salud
Denominación"EMBO Workshop on “Cell division: molecular machineries and cancer targeted therapies” with co-sponsorship from UNIA"
Fecha Inicio19/10/2015Fecha Finalización21/10/2015

Lugar de celebraciónBaeza - Jaén - España

Este workshop pertenece a la serie "Current Trends in Biomedicine", organizada por la Universidad Internacional de Andalucía (UNIA).

Más información y solicitud en http://www.unia.es/biomedicine

Amancio Carnero (Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla (IBiS), CSIC/Universidad de Sevilla. Sevilla, España)
Marcos Malumbres (Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO). Madrid, España)
Guillermo Montoya (Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research, University of Copenhagen. Copenhagen, Dinamarca)

Targeting the cell division cycle is thought to be a promising therapeutic strategy in cancer. However, the mechanisms that govern cell cycle progression or mitotic maintenance or exit in mammalian cells are still poorly understood. This workshop aims to obtain a better insight into the machineries and circuits that regulate cell cycle control and to advance in the validation and/or identification of new potential targets for cancer treatment. This will be analyzed from different perspectives including basic cell biology, animal models, structural studies and clinical evaluation, thus making this workshop an attractive forum for researchers, pharma developers and clinicians.