Datos generales

Tipo de ActividadCurso/Seminario/Workshop
Area(s) de interésVIDA Biología, Ecología, y Medioambiente
SALU Salud
DenominaciónWorkshop “Cardiovascular extracellular matrix in health and disease”
Fecha Inicio06/10/2014Fecha Finalización08/10/2014

Lugar de celebraciónBaeza - Jaén - España
URL para la retransmisiónhttp://www.unia.es/biomedicine

This workshop belongs to the series \"Current Trends in Biomedicine\", organized by the Universidad Internacional de Andalucía (UNIA). The workshop will be held at the \"Campus Antonio Machado\", venue of the UNIA in Baeza (Andalusia, Spain).

More information and application at http://www.unia.es/biomedicine

Far from being a rigid and static material, cardiovascular extracellular matrix (ECM) is a highly dynamic structure that responds to injury and disease through specific molecular mechanisms. This response can activate beneficial repair mechanisms but can also lead to myocardial and vascular malfunction. This workshop will provide insight into the mechanisms integral to ECM homeostasis—synthesis, deposition and remodeling—that are fundamental to understanding the pathological basis of several cardiovascular diseases. The workshop will also present state-of the art knowledge on the mechanisms of fibrosis initiation, propagation and regression that will form the basis for the future development of new therapeutic strategies, including new anti-fibrotic drugs, the ECM-based biomaterials, and gene therapy interventions to revert fibrosis.