Datos generales

Tipo de ActividadCongreso/Conferencia
Area(s) de interésVIDA Biología, Ecología, y Medioambiente
SALU Salud
DenominaciónIII International Conference on Antimicrobial Research - ICAR2014
Fecha Inicio01/10/2014Fecha Finalización03/10/2014
Fechas límite para...
   -Proposal comunic.

Lugar de celebraciónMadrid - Spain

Secretaría Técnica
OrganizaciónFormatex Research Center
Teléfono+34 924 258615Fax+34 924 263053
Persona(s) de contactoAurora Solano

Secretaría Técnica
OrganizaciónFormatex Research Center
Teléfono+34 924 258615Fax+34 924 263053
Persona(s) de contactoAurora Solano

ICAR2014 will be a forum to communicate current research priorities and progress, and to identify new approaches and research opportunities in the following fields:

- Antimicrobial natural products
- Antimicrobial microbes
- Bacteriophages
- Biofilms
- Antimicrobial materials science and surface chemistry. Antimicrobials in consumer products
- Antimicrobial chemistry
- Non-antibiotic biocides
- Antimicrobial physics
- Clinical and medical microbiology, infectious diseases and antimicrobials. Public health
- Strengthening of innate immune system as antimicrobial strategy
- Antimicrobial resistance. Mechanisms of action of antimicrobial agents
- Attenuation of virulence as antimicrobial strategy
- Techniques and methods

Detailed list of topics proposed for the conference available at: http://www.icar-2014.org/topics.html

It is in the spirit of this conference to attract researchers from a broad range of academic disciplines that are contributing in the fighting against harmful microorganisms, not only those more traditionally involved in this research area (microbiologists, biochemists, genetists, clinicians...), but also experimental and theoretical/computational chemists (rational design of antimicrobial compounds, chemical synthesis, analogs, surface modification of materials...), physicists (radiation, nano-emulsions (surface tension), ultrasounds, antimicrobial materials, properties of nano-materials...) or engineers (technologies).

If you are interested in presenting your most relevant recent research results at the conference, we now welcome proposals for oral, poster or virtual presentations. Get all details about \'Abstract Submission\' in the Call for Papers section on the conference website at: http://www.icar-2014.org/call.html